Woodsman Flare
User friendly and easy to maintain
The Flare’s design is ergonomic and promotes cost-effective ease of use.
Easy service
The simple baffle removal system ensures easy servicing for chimney sweeps.
Handy steel cooktop
The Flare is fitted with a convenient hidden 6mm steel cooktop suitable for use during a power outage.
User friendly and easy to maintain
The Flare’s design is ergonomic and promotes cost-effective ease of use.
Easy service
The simple baffle removal system ensures easy servicing for chimney sweeps.
Handy steel cooktop
The Flare is fitted with a convenient hidden 6mm steel cooktop suitable for use during a power outage.
User friendly and easy to maintain
The Flare’s design is ergonomic and promotes cost-effective ease of use.
Easy service
The simple baffle removal system ensures easy servicing for chimney sweeps.
Handy steel cooktop
The Flare is fitted with a convenient hidden 6mm steel cooktop suitable for use during a power outage.